  • 작성자ctrhr2021
  • 날짜2024.09.30
  • 조회수25

제목Sales Operation Manager

지역정보 IRVINE / CA
업종 사무직
연락처 949-617-4255

CTR America, a subsidiary of Korean OEM & aftermarket manufacturer CTR Co. Ltd, supplies aftermarket products of OEM equivalent quality to our customers worldwide. Besides OEM business, CTR provides its products to the global Aftermarket industry with owned brands. CTR has 14 factories in 4 countries and over 1 billion sales annually. We are looking for a diligent sales operation manager with a great work ethic. If you are willing to learn and be trained, we'd love to have you on our team. In this role, you will optimize the operational systems and processes of the company, maximizing efficiency and profitability while remaining compliant with all legal and regulatory requirements. The ideal candidate has an analytical mind, a deep understanding of business and financial principles, and a proven sales operation manager track record.

Major Responsibilities:

· Communicating with customers to understand their needs and requirements and identify sales opportunities

· Answering customers’ questions, resolving their concerns, and providing additional information via calls and emails

· Liaise between the customer and internal teams

· Fills orders by transferring orders to fulfillment, communicating expected delivery date, and explaining stock-outs

· Reviewing and updating supply chain practices in line with company policies, standards, laws, and regulations

· Negotiating terms and prices with suppliers and freight companies, monitoring and assessing their performance, and maintaining cost-effective practices

· Implementing logistic strategies, tracking goods from the origination point to the warehouse

· Analyzing the supply chain data and solving any issues or putting alternative plans in place

· Identifying and minimizing risk by predicting the demand for products and adopting new technology with no interruption to the process

· Managing inventory, packing, and distributing


· Demonstrated ability to communicate, present, and influence credibly and effectively at all levels of the organization, including executive and C-level

· Delivering client-focused solutions based on customer needs

· Ability to manage multiple projects at a time while paying strict attention to detail

· Excellent listening, negotiation, and presentation skills

· Excellent verbal and written communication skills

· Bachelor's Degree in appropriate field of study or equivalent work experience

· Deep digital understanding

· Self-motivated and able to thrive in a results-driven environment

· Natural relationship builder with integrity, reliability, and maturity

· Ability to prioritize among competing tasks

· Critical thinking and problem-solving skills

· Understanding of website development, marketing, measurement and analytics, content management, digital marketing, and internet technology

· Excellent time and project management skills, and a commitment to improving inefficient processes

· Keen attention to detail and adherence to deadlines

· Skill at Microsoft Office Suite, Google Apps

· Ability to manage multiple projects at a time while paying strict attention to detail

· Excellent listening, negotiation, and presentation skills

· Excellent verbal and written communication skills

· Bachelor's Degree in appropriate field of study or equivalent work experience

· Deep digital understanding

· Self-motivated and able to thrive in a results-driven environment

· Natural relationship builder with integrity, reliability, and maturity

· Ability to prioritize among competing tasks

· Critical thinking and problem-solving skills

· Understanding of website development, marketing, measurement and analytics, content management, digital marketing, and internet technology

· Excellent time and project management skills, and a commitment to improving inefficient processes

· Keen attention to detail and adherence to deadlines

· Skill at Microsoft Office Suite, Google Apps

Related Experience:

· 1 to 3 years of experience which is related to wholesale experience.

· Retail experience is a plus.

· Agency and/or vendor experience is preferred

· ERP system experience (SAP or Dynamics 365) is preferred

· Bilingual in Korean and English is a plus

Physical Requirements:

· Normal office duties

· Occasional fieldwork

· Must be able to travel; extensive overnight travel is required.


· 401(k)

· Competitive salary

· Dental insurance

· Health insurance

· Paid time off

· Vision insurance

· Compensation: $60,000.00 - $65,000.00 per year but negotiable.

If you are interested in, please apply to hire@ctramerica.com with your resume and cover letter.

이곳에 게시된 글들은 에이전트 혹은 사용자가 자유롭게 올린 게시물입니다. 커뮤니티 내용을 확인하고 참여에 따른 법적, 경제적, 기타 문제의 책임은 본인에게 있습니다. 케이타운 1번가는 해당 컨텐츠에 대해 어떠한 의견이나 대표성을 가지지 않으며, 커뮤니티 서비스에 게재된 정보에 의해 입은 손해나 피해에 대하여 어떠한 책임도 지지 않습니다.

취업 꿀팁 영상
관련 지식톡
Q.실업급여 pending status 어떻게 해결 하나요?
A. ***EDD로 전화가기전에 본인확인가능한 내용(소셜번호외에, 일한장소, 기간, 우편주소…) 바로 답변할수있게 미리 준비하면 시간절약됨. *** EDD Account열어놓고 준비함 (EDD 직원이 "Certify" 확인차 통화중에 본인 어카운트로 들어가서 확인하라고 할수있음). *** 온라인으로 진행하는게 제일빠름.(편지나 다른 전화번호는 언제 연락될지 모름) *** 참고로, URL창에 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qtQ-W31NY4 들어가서, 사람들이 Certify할때 실수 많이 하는 예시들이 도움이 많이됨. KAFLA TV - 로스앤젤레스한인회 1. EDD Tech Support 1-833-978-2511 (점심시간전 아침이 좋음). a. " 1 " (언어선택, 다 들을필요없음)누르고 기다리지 말고 바로 " 2 " 누름 b. Thank you for calling EDD 들리면 바로 전화끊고, 이 과정을 "기다리라는 자동응답" 이 들릴때까지 계속 전화함. c. EDD직원이 나오면, Certify for Benefits 때문에 전화했다고 얘기함. 2. 본인확인차 여러가지를 물어볼것임: 현재상황를 침착한 태도로 공손하게 말하는게 아주 중요함. 3. EDD 직원이 온라인으로 Certify하라고 할수있으니, 그 전에 위의 URL로 들어가서 실수 예시들 미리 참고하면 좋음. 4. EDD에서 확인하고 특별한 문제 없으면, approve하고 소급해서 EDD Card 7-10일정도 걸려 받을것임.
A. (1) UNEMPLOYMENT PAY는 언제부터 받는지요? 신청하신 정보를 edd쪽에서 모두 확인하고 이상이 없음이 확인되면 certify for benefitㄴ을 하라는 노티스가 옵니다. 그럼 certify를 하고 2-3주 정도 기다리면 BOA edd 카드로 돈이 들어옵니다. BOA edd카드도 기다리면 우편으로 받으실 수 있고요. (2) Certification 은 무엇인지 설명 부탁드립니다. benefit certify는 매주 본인이 직장을 구하고 있다는 것을 보여주고, 현재 본인의 상황을 파악하기 위해 edd 에서 매주 확인을 하는 겁니다. 2주에 한번씩 하면 되고, 아마 certify해야 할 즈음에 이멜로 연락이 올겁니다. certify를 해야 그 주간의 pay가 지급됩니다.
Q.미국에서 간호사 취업
A. 미국은 현재 의료인력이 부족한 상태라서 간호사는 많은 취업기회가 있으며, 영주권받는 절차가 다른 취업이민에 비해서 빠르게 진행이 됩니다. 다만, 전문직분야이므로 아래와 같은 자격요건이 필요합니다. - Nclex License - BSN학위 - 영어회화능력 - 최신 임상경력 - 비자스크린(영어점수 및 기타 요건) 그리고 이러한 자격준비, 미국병원에 취업, 영주권스폰에 대한 전반적인 업무를 전문컨설팅회사를 통해서 진행이 가능합니다. 전문업체를 찾으셔서 컨설팅을 받아보시면 좋은 방법이 있을것 같습니다.