High blood-pressure, Kidney disease

- NYTimes, Jane Brody, July 15, 2013

I once wrote here that we are all born with 1 million nephrons(filters) in each of both kidneys, but by the time we get to be
65 years old, we are left with only about 250,000 filters doing
their work. Jane Brody's report may shock you further;

"Kidney disease doesn't get the attention, funding or concern associated
with the cancers of breast or prostate. But it actually kills more Americans - 90,000 a year - than both malignacies combined.
"Duane Sunwold, then only 43, was referred to a nephrologist, who
diagnosed a condition called minimal change disease; damage to
the tiny blood vessels within the kidney that filter wastes from the blood to make urine. The protein is not supposed to be among those wastes. Although Mr. Sunwold's personal physician
was treating him for high blood pressure, a leading cause of
kidney failure, the doctor never checked to see how well his vital organs were functioning.
" ... there are 26 million Americans who have kidney disease(many of whom don't yet know it) and additional 76 million at high risk of developing it. ...He offers tips on-line and recipes for good kidney health, which are also good for the heart, diabetes and weight control. ... You are more likely to develope kidney disease if you smoke, are obese, or have diet high in red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened drinks and sodium, but low in fruit, legumes, nuts, whole grains and low-fat dairy. Obesity alone doubled a person's risk of developing kidney disease.
"Dr. Leslie Spry.. noted that people with high blood pressure
, Type 2 diabetes or obesity who manage to avoid a heatrt attack
or stroke remain at risk for kidney disease, which he likened to the third rail. He said, " I wouldn't have to work so hard
if they didn't smoke, reduced their salt intake, ate more fresh
fruits and vegetables, and increased their physical activity.
They involve no medication."

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