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What is DBT?


Big list of self-care and distraction activities


Self-care and distraction can help you calm down in when you are feeling stress and can help promote greater resiliency if you do them regularly.


Watch a relaxation video on YouTube 

Listen to music you love 

Eat a comfort food 

Sleep or nap 

Take a shower 

Cuddle with a pet/imagine your pet being goofy 

Cook your favorite meal 

Paint your nails 

Have a bubble bath 

Read a comic book 

Watch a comedy 



Open up your window and breathe 

Be just in the moment 

Connect with others

Talk to or text a friend 

Go out and see a friend

Join a club 

Reach out to a friend in need

Try volunteering 

Do a random act of kindness

Buy a coffee for person behind you

Bake muffins for someone 

Bring a candy to someone 

Talk to your mom, dad, or siblings

Engage your brain or create

Play video games 

Do a puzzle 

Play solitaire 



Watch a cooking show

Knit, crochet or sew or learn to 

Read a book by an author you love 


Plant a garden 

Write a poem 

Take photographs or make a video 

Play a musical instrument 


Start a blog 

Play chess with your computer

Change the scene:

Go for a drive 

Take a ride on a bus 

People watch at a mall 

Go to a movie

Go to the library

Go to a place of worship 

Sit by a stream and listen to the water 

Go shopping

Go to your favorite café 

Hold a smooth rock in your hand 

Watch the sunrise or the sunset


Go for a walk in nature 


Ride your bike 

Do yoga 

Go for a jog or run 

Play outside 

Hop on a swing 

Stretch your muscles 

Clean up your room


Distract with activity

-sports, hobby, don’t talk about crisis, movie, park

Distract by comparison

-someone suffering more than me

-time in life when I did worse

Distract by emotions

If angry, watch comedy

Scared, watch courageous person

Sad, happy music

Distract by pushing away

-turn down volume of problem

-put on shelf

-wall between me and problem

Distract with thoughts

-song lyrics

Distract with sensations

-face in cold water

-go outside

Dialectical Behavior Therapy-credit to Dr. Linehan

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