3 Kinds of high blood pressure
Everybody, including myself, seems to be waiting for the DPK's finishing on dichotomies.

1. Kidney problems(tumor etc.) - kidneys make hormones like renin and erythropoietin.
Renin increases when the kidneys sense that blood preassure or the mineral sodium is too
low. Adrenal glands on top of kidneys make aldosterone hormone. Sick kidneys produce excess aldosterone, which causes the body to retain too much salt - which can cause fluid
retention and high blood pressure.
2. Salt sensitive persons - most of us in old ages.
3. Neurogenic hypertension - induced by stress; another example why it is better idea to
change threats to challenges. Meeting these challenges, with positive self-confidence
, transformed from threat, is the solution, about which I have been writing about last 4 months. You all know the solution for 2. DKP may know better oriental solutions for 1.
Most Western pill solutions have well known side effects..

Do you remember I wrote about 1 million minute filters in each kidney when we all were
born and lose about 3/4 of them in 70's in age?

Are you just going to keep doing what you've doing all your life?

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